
Showing posts from May, 2008
Home Away As the summer seems ending (ahh...3 weeks to go) I can’t wait to go home. For the past 1 year I have been away from my family and seeing them only for a couple of days that too after every 2-3 months. I am longing to go home not only because I want to see my parents, but also because it is the place I have absolutely no work to do. I sleep 12 hrs a day, sit in front of TV and do nothing. More than me, my clothes want me to go home. Alas they cannot suffer the agony of me washing them and debasing them exponentially towards a rag. Of the various types of dwellings that I have seen- hostel, PG (paying guest) room, shared apartment, I find a house (home) most well organized. My PG room would come in next in organization. There is no space or things, which I can disorganize. All that can be moved from one place to the other is the TV remote. Next in line would be my hostel room. Since it is more spacious and has more things and hence more scope for disorganization. But this is li
Going too far I don't know why but i keep getting spams from a greeting card site ( must have left a checkbox checked). With the subject like- A beautiful morning from Editor Bob, Be in high spirits from editor bob, and many such positive outlooking thoughts from the site. I have never opened any of the mails (really) but also did not unsubscribe because it was kindof good since it used to remind me of some positive thoughts. But today I was shocked when I got a mail from them titled "Remembering your first kiss from Editor Bob".