
Showing posts from November, 2010

Domino's Double Burst a two thumbs down

Bulletined synopsis of Dominios Double Burst Pizza review Reason(s) for ordering Dominos Double burst Pizza 1. The new ad 2. Its predecessor, the 'awesome' Cheese burst pizza's success. Reason(s) not for ordering 1. Not remotely as good as the Cheese burst pizza. 2. Totally sweet taste because of the 2nd layer of "creamy spread". Even the Mexican green wave (double spicy) pizza was sweeter than any candies available.

NO Buzz for Buzz

Remember Google Buzz, well i hadn't until this morning when i saw it's link below the Gmail inbox. It has been long since since i used it. Don't know about other junta, but i like twitter better. I am following many people and its great to read what they are thinking and also to reply to them. Even though twitter has some limitations (140 character limit) which Buzz does not still it twitter seems better. (Some more technical difference here) . I can say the 140 character limit is for good only, as it makes the twitter users use the "hip" short language. I did not do much research but thought to set up a fight and see who wins "Buzz or Twitter"