Why are we taught Sanskrit in school?

Many times, during random discussions, people have asked why we are taught Sanskrit or Bernoulli Principle or Trigonometry or Organic chemistry or even Statistics when most of us do not use it now. They mention most of the things taught in school are not required now, in practical life or day to day life and hence is irrelevant. Well earlier I used to partially agree with them. But after lot of thinking I have come to the conclusion that learning them was not a futile exercise. On the contrary they are very much relevant and necessary. I will summarize my thinking into two main reasons. Reason number 1, which is the most basic one. We do not (or most of us don't) know at that age what career/lifestyle we would choose years down the line. We are taught all spectrum of topics and at a basic level, so that we can try everything hands on and then select which field of knowledge is to our liking and pursue further studies on that. Also getting to know basic things in Physi...