
Showing posts from January, 2017

Product Life Cycle of a Gamer (that's Me)

I like to call myself a Gamer...Ummm....I used to call myself a Gamer...But not now...Well I think it is a life cycle. Like everything else in this world. There are 4 stages in any product lifecycle which are listed below Introduction Growth Maturity Product Extension Decline                         (picture courtesy Like any other "Gyan", I can relate this graph to my personal gaming journey.  1. Introduction My gaming journey started with (and can be attributed to) Prince of Persia (MS-DOS edition). My maternal uncle (who lived in different city) had to travel a lot and was given a "80386" powered laptop. And on that apart from Lotus123, he had this amazing game. He was a big fan of the game and had saved the princess, I mean completed the game in the designated time. And passed on the fandom to me. So whenever he visited our place, I used to hijack his laptop and...

Happy new Year 2017

Wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. Wish that you all are able to fulfill your resolutions. My new year resolution is to restart writing blog. Hope I am able to write something good and  you find my blogs interesting. Cheers!